
Showing posts from September, 2006

Welcome to the 21st century...

We are a little behind the times, here at thebassplayer's house. We don't have cable, or Playstation, or even X-box. We have no VCR, no Tivo, no Direct TV. We do have guitars, basses, and a keyboard. We have highspeed internet, a DVD player, and VOIP telephone service. And this week, we joined the happy people who get movies in the mail . It is so cool, I tell you! I don't know why I didn't sign us up earlier. Three movies shipped yesterday and showed up in my mailbox this afternoon! I also have a coupon for a free in-store rental each week of the month. This couldn't possibly be more convenient, since Blockbuster is right acrss the big street from us. No more waiting for movies to show up on the bargain rack at our favorite big box store, no more wondering what the heck people are talking about, no more railing about having spent money on a crummy flick. Nosiree. We can see movies when we want, we can be in the loop at lunchtime, and we can send back any...

Into the wall

My father-in-law is what some might call a NASCAR fan. We, on the other hand, have been known to put a race on for our afternoon nap. Something about the drone which helps us sleep. I like to watch the last few laps and the highlights (read: the wrecks). Those cars go, what 300-400 miles in any given race? Round and round and round. Really fast. It occurs to me that the slightest hesitation, the tiniest miscalculation could put a car into the wall. The drivers must trust their team to keep them and their cars in top shape. Ultimately, though, it doesn't matter how well put-together a machine is if the driver is not paying attention. I am thinking that my spiritual life is like that. (Not the round in circles part) I need a solid pit crew in my church family, but when it comes down to it, I have to take responsibility for my own spiritual growth. Becoming a part of Gracepoint has really brought this home for me. This weekend, we had the opportunity to reach out to the ...

Jonah- Part 1?

Neil Simpson has a Bible study blog upon which I have recently stumbled. I picked up the tail end of Mark, and this week he begins Jonah . I have to confess, I am not sure when the last time was that I read the book of Jonah. Certainly, I knew the story from my sunday school days, but as an adult? Cannot recall, which says that I probably haven't . Perhaps my early familiarity with the story is why, or perhaps (and more likely) sheer arrogance. After all, Jonah is a *children's* story. What can I possibly learn from this? I did read this morning, and I had to read twice. The first time through, I kept giggling-- thinking about fish-slapping , no doubt. With a more serious mind, I read a second time. I was struck by a few things: 1) Language would seem to indicate that, while Jonah initially fled, he was pretty resigned to the fact that God there were going to be consequences. While he was aboard ship, the crew were panicking at the storm. Not Jonah, though; he was...

Schooled by six pounds of feline fury...

J and Tele have an interesting little game going. Whenever he is getting dressed, she tries to attack him. This ends up being much mayhem and hand play (with the vet has told us is a no-no), with J usually getting the upper hand. Usually. Not tonight. Tonight, as he was getting dressed for band practice, the game took a different turn. I hear wrestling and laughing and-thunk! J went for Tele, missed her, and slammed him hand on our footboard. I turned around in time to see him attempt to shake it off, and I can't stop giggle about it. Schooled. By Tele the cat. Darn.

I heard my dad smile today.

Does that make any sense? I really did hear it-- when I called the farm this afternoon. The smile, not so unusual, my dad is pretty smiling kind of guy. But this one was different; there was a lift in his voice. The cool part is this: he was smiling because my mom came home early from work. Tonight there was nothing going at church, no Weight Watchers meeting, no PTA. Tonight, my parents had dinner together. On a weeknight. And it isn't anyone's birthday. And THAT is why my dad was smiling. I love that my parents, after thirty-seven years of marriage, still take such delight in each other's company. I am grateful to them for their example to the sibs and me of what marriage can be-- specifically what Christian marriage can be. Over the last four decades, my folks have weathered many storms, some literal and others figurative. Each trial has served to strengthen their bond, and consequently, our family. J and I have another of our crazy busy weeks ahead; we are ba...

Summer is almost over...

Is it time for a new blog design? The ever-talented Susie over at Bluebird Blogs is giving away a free blog design to TWO, yes two, lucky winners. Pop on over, take a look at her portfolio, and enter for yourself. The girl does some good work.

Perceptions (and expectations).

A chalice? Or two faces? This morning GP added a second service. We had a taste of two services last Easter, but this week, we made it official. I cannot fully express how awed and humbled I am to be a part of some pretty serious mission work here in Las Vegas. As would be expected, tensions were high and tempers sparked. We had prepared ourselves as best we could, but the reality played out somewhat differently than we had imagined. The sound board was a bit of a jumble, so I ran drama rehearsal dry. Our actors were fantastic-- keeping their focus amidst drum tuning, light placement, and countless other distractions. Finally, the sound guys were ready for us; newly miced, our actors once again took their places. Piece of cake, to dial them in, right? WRONG!!! Feedback like you wouldn't believe from one, no signal from another, and still with the drum tuning (ugh). We meet in a school cafeteria, and the noise level was out of control. I could not communicate with the guy...

Baby it's cold inside.

Brrr... When I got in to the office this morning, it was 50 degrees inside the trailer. Someone left the swamp cooler on last night, and we got down into the 60's. As much as it pained me, I did end up turning the heat on for a little while. Just to bring it office temp up to par, mind you. We are entering the season of low utility bills here in the Las Vegas valley, and it is none too soon. Two months in a row of $200 electric bills was enough for this girl-- and that was keeping the thermostat up at 85!!! I actually needed a light jacket going out this morning- yay! I love how the changing of the seasons turns thoughts to new beginnings. Not just spring, which is the most obvious, but all seasons. As the trees lose their leaves and prepare for winter (not here, obviously, but somewhere) I am reminded that I too have things to lose, habits or attitudes which may have served a purpose but are no longer useful. How many extra leaves am I carrying that are preventing me from ...

I am a selfish, spoiled brat.

And reading Susan Godfrey's and her family's journey is just the reminder I need. God is good. All the time.

How I met my honey...

Barb over at A Chelsea Morning is asking , and I am telling. Of course, as I prepare to wow y'all with the amazing tale of how I met my Rock Star , he is stuck in his undershirt. Yes, the man can turn my knees to jelly with a look, but he can not get out of his undershirt. You know how when you were in college, there was that house which seemed to be a 24-7 house party? Yeah, well Jon and I met there. It was summer, and I was working at Service Merchandise with several of his friends. One night, after work, I ventured out to the "party house." Funny how seedy that neighborhood turned out to be-- I was so totally naive. ***** Mom, stop reading***** You have not heard this before******I'd like for you to hang on to your illusions***** I parked my car on a side street, and as I rounded the corner I saw a few people sitting on the front stoop enjoying some adult beverages. (All of age-- at least these out here. I cannot vouch for anyone inside ) Our friend Ar...

An yet another reason I am not feeling the love...

When it comes to HOAs. We have no water. Our entire condo complex is without water. It is 6:30, and noone is anywhere to be found. Three calls to the HOA later, I am not sure when we will see the wet stuff. I could go cool off with a swim... but wait! The pool has been closed for the last two weeks. I guess I will have to shower at the gym. Grrr.

A sign of the apocalypse?

I was just channel surfing. Lo and behold! G Gordon Liddy is sitting half-naked in a maggot infested pod. Yes, folks, the G-Man is on Fear Factor . He kicked total buut in the first two stunts. I will not watch, no matter how compelling. I will turn the channel. I will do it now...

Spiritual gifts...

Several years ago, our young adult group took a spiritual gifts inventory . It was very interesting, as most of had been raised in a more mailine church setting. Some of the questions about healing and prophesy felt a little uncomfortable. (My experience with charismatic churches had been very limited and, quite frankly, not positive.) Anyway, I did learn some important things about myself and my gifts. Helps was my biggie, then service, teaching, and music. The others were a smattering here and there. I must say, I kinda felt like "helps" was pretty lame. I mean, why not exhortation or knowledge? Even discernment, but HELPS ?!!? How is that for ego? Recently, I have grown to gratitude for God's gift to me. At Gracepoint , I can help. And you know what? It fills me up!!! I love being able to provide support for the creative team; I love that I can serve behind the scenes; I love that I can, in my own small way, contribute to the life and minstry of Gracpoint...

Anybody else see the resemblance?


A question to ponder...

How old do you have to be before a fart is no longer funny? Because my Gram is 84, and I bet she would laugh at this...

Benedict XVI: "Social issues and the Gospel are inseparable."

Pope Benedict is concerned that the Catholic Church promotes social justice more than the Gospel of Jesus Christ . I am not sure why this is news today, because I have heard this concern expressed by evangelicals for years now. However, I am not going to discuss the fact that I feel the upper echelons of the Church are a little slow on the uptake; I want to provide something of a defense for no-strings-attached social justice. It is no secret that I am an evangelical. I am a Bible-believing, Jesus-loving, Spirit-craving daughter of the King. I embrace John Wesley's image of a God whose grace calls us out, and enables us to overcome our depravity. The Word has power, and sharing the Word is not something to be ignored. We are called, commissioned to spread the Gospel. We are also instructed in other things: He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. And: ...

A whole new light...

I have always considered Dick Cheney to be a cool customer. Not that I thought him unfeeling, but I really didn't give it any thought. He is always composed; cool as a cucumber. That picture changed for me today. As he spoke to the families of those who died at the Pentagon, he was visibly shaken and rather choked up. I must say that I hold some amount of admiration for this. Hm... PS Ditto for Rummy.

Horace Robert Passananti

Horace was vice president of claims at Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. His office was in WTC 1, and he, along with 294 of his colleagues, was taken in the coordinated attakcs of September 11, 2001. Horace is survived by his mother, Marie, and two sons, Sean and Michael. For more information on Horace: His quilt block For more tributes:

No energy...

Ugh. I am not sure what is wrong with me, but all I want to do is sleep. Last night, I went to lie down for a little while (5:30) and didn't wake up for ten hours!!! Sheesh!

Another to add to the ever-growing list...

... Of people whose eloquence I can never match. Instead, I link to them , hoping that someone who reads my blog will follow. In particular, this passage speak volumes: For a Christian, I'm supposed to be optimistic. But these days, looking at the Middle East, I only find myself saying Maranatha: Come, Lord Jesus. I am not a dispie (and I don't believe Greg is either, from this post ), but I too feel his concern. He asks if, when the time comes, we will stand up. When evil comes, will we? (Also, check out his post from 30 August. Good stuff .)

So glad I don't have to make this decision...

I watched Katie's news last night. Frankly, I am not sure what all the hubub is about, but that is another post. What did interest me, was the story about the new HPV vaccine . I am not one to go crazy for vaccines; in fact, I am find the growing list of vaccines required for school a little troubling. But I think some of the parents are kidding themselves. The key to the efficacy of the HPV vaccine is its delivery before a girl is sexually active. For doctors, this means age 9-12 years. Part of me shudders at this thought, I must say. However, I think back to the first "talk" we had in school-- fifth grade. I guess I was ten years old? Mom had sat me down during the summer before school started and gone over things with me (read: grossed me out, I am sure). Maybe 9 years old isn't so for out in left field after all? And who says that a parent has to explain EVERYTHING to his daughter when explaining this vaccine? Obviously, I am not someone with answers, I j...