1) I am almost convinced that the FairTax is the best thing since sliced bread. I am convinced that it is a vast improvement over the current tax code. Signed the petition last friday , drafting letters today. (Don't gloat, Dad. It's not becoming.) 2) I am very disappointed in our local polititians . Can I write in "None of the above," pretty please? 3) My favorite campaign quote : "Sure, I'm a carpetbagger, but I want to be your carpetbagger." From Jack Carter, who will hopefully be defeated by our incumbent Jon Ensign. I like the balance that having a senator from each party provides. 4) Lemon-honey scones , dried cherry scones , double peanut butter cookies, and a scrubbed (yes, scrubbed, not mopped) kitchen floor are the results of my Saturday. Roast chicken, chicken salad and chicken noodle soup are the results of my Monday. Woohoo! I get more productive in the autumn. Tonight will be a new bread recipe . I am not living in complete C...