7 Foods for 1 Entire Month?
On the recommendation of a friend, I just finished reading 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess . I may begin speaking to this friend sometime in the future... Just kidding. Really, though, this book has simply wrecked me. Wrecked me. I have been praying for some time about living a gentler life. I am not, by nature, a gentle person, so this would have to be Kelly getting out of the way and allowing God to step in. Of course, I was also trying to control exactly what I would let Him have! How typical. {sigh} Recent events have forced me to give up some control- specifically over changes at work. I really wish that i did not need to learn lessons the hard way, but that simply is not the case for this girl. Anyway, 7 has given me a starting point, a way to loosen the death grip of control I have on my life. Here's the scoop: Jen Hatmaker (author, mother, Bible teacher, and all-around pretty-cool-sounding-chick) embarks on a ...