
Showing posts from January, 2018


I think most folks my age grew up in either a Star Trek house, or a Star Wars house.  I grew up in the former, with reruns of the original series (which my parents liked, but I couldn't stand) and my beloved TNG.  I'm pretty sure Wil Weaton's presence had at least a little something to do with my enjoyment of the show.  I love to ask Alexa for "tea, Earl Grey, hot," or instruct her to "make it so."  In case there was ever any doubt, I am a bit of a nerd.  Case in point, I researched which term to use: nerd, geek, or dork.  Dweeb also came in to the equation, and I found a really cool Venn diagram to help: So, here I sit in my nerdiness, thinking about the coming months and all that they bring.  Each year, I seek a new word to guide my thoughts and actions.  I pray and meditate on scripture during December to see what God has in store for me.  For 2017, the word was abide , which certainly summed up so much of our life with Imogen at home...