So, can I sue?
Parents' cigarette smoke harms kids for years - Children's Health -
Warning: the following contains high levels of sarcasm.
This is a blemish on our society. Why, these parents are subjecting their children to life-long consequence of their actions.
I am sure that my asthma is my father's fault. My multiple environmental allergies have no bearing on this whatsoever. Nosiree. In fact, I betcha that his smoking scarred not only my lungs, but also my self-esteem. My asthma prevented me from excelling at sports, and that makes me feel bad.
And if you too have been harmed by your parents' callous disregard for you wellbeing, let me know. We can form a non-profit organization, set up support groups, and maybe wear fun rubber bracelets! Oh, and I almost forgot-- we need an awareness week, too!
Warning: the following contains high levels of sarcasm.
This is a blemish on our society. Why, these parents are subjecting their children to life-long consequence of their actions.
I am sure that my asthma is my father's fault. My multiple environmental allergies have no bearing on this whatsoever. Nosiree. In fact, I betcha that his smoking scarred not only my lungs, but also my self-esteem. My asthma prevented me from excelling at sports, and that makes me feel bad.
The findings are a “stark reminder” that legal efforts to reduce exposure to cigarette smoke in workplaces aren’t protecting the group of people at greatest risk from passive smoking, young children, Drs. Mark D. Eisner of the University of California, San Francisco and Francesco Forastiere of the Rome E Health Authority in Italy write in an editorial accompanying the study.Write your legislators, demand that we pass laws to protect more innocent children from their parents. A grassroots effort is needed here, people.“Children are primarily exposed to tobacco smoke in the home, where legal restrictions do not apply,” they note.
And if you too have been harmed by your parents' callous disregard for you wellbeing, let me know. We can form a non-profit organization, set up support groups, and maybe wear fun rubber bracelets! Oh, and I almost forgot-- we need an awareness week, too!