Making mornings easier...

Most of the time, we do our mornings in shifts. I leave for work around 6 or 6:30, and J doesn't get up until later. For me, breakfast is often cereal or a smoothie. These muffins are great because the batter stays in the refrigerator until I need it. I just scoop out however many muffins I want to bake that morning and-- voila! Freshly-baked, homemade muffins.
Refrigerator Muffins
1 (15 oz) package of raisin bran
2 c sugar
1 c oil
4 eggs
5 c flour
5 t soda
2 t salt
1 qt buttlermilk
Combine all ingredients; store batter in refrigerator. Bake muffins 15 minutes at 400. If not baking full pan of muffins, add water to the empty tins.
Note: Step up the fiber content even more by substituting flaxseed poweder for some of the oil.
So there you have it, a busy morning treat and two bonus tips. Works for me! Now go see Shannon and her treasure trove of tips.
I will have to try this since I blogged abot my crazy mornings here. Thanks for the recipe!
I make double-batches of muffins in a 9x13 pan (I used that as my WFMW tip last week) to feed my mini-army
If I could combine the two tips ... we could really be on to something here! Thanks, Kelly, I'm going to try it!!!