Friday's Feast

What was your very first job with a paycheck?

I worked at Chick-Fil-A. What a great company for a teenager-- Sundays off and scholarships. Before that, it was lots and lots of babysitting.

Did you ever lose something really important to you?

Last year, some crackhead broke into our place and stole a bunch of DVD's and some of my jewelry. Among the jewelry stolen was a diamond necklace which belonged to my great grandmother McLellan. It still upsets me that whoever stole it got probably $20 bucks for it. It didn't have much monetary value, but it is irreplaceable to me.

What is the best Christmas present you ever received?

I know it is silly, but my father always took the time to buy something small for each of us, something he alone picked out. One particular year, he gave me a really nice Paul Mitchell paddle brush that I had been wanting but couldn't really justify buying (it was a $30 hairbruch, for cryin' out loud!). Just know ing that my dad cared enough to pay attention to such a minute detail was really special. And I still have that brush, some twelve years later.

Main Course
Tell about a favorite "hang out" place for you and your friends when you were in high school.

The Down Under at the FSU student union. We could get in on our school ID's, because our high school was a charter school affiliated with the University. In fact, we used to spend a LOT of time at the FSU student union. (Yes, even when we were in high school. We were cool like that.) Oh yeah-- walking around in our china flats or Docs. Skirts and clunky shoes, or-- my personal favorite-- Dad's old jeans and a blouse. We were so freakin' cool. We read Kerouac and Hesse; we ate indian food; we made friends with Hare Krishna Dave. My gosh I was a total freak.

Name something that always brings a smile to your face.

When my Jonathan makes up a silly song to go with whatever we are doing. It usually starts with, "My baby loves, me. She _________" So maybe I still am a freak.


Anonymous said…
I enjoyed your feast. And I agree, losing your grandma's necklace is something that no one can replace. I'd be upset too.

I'm up, come and dine.h
Anonymous said…
Wonderful feast!
That is terrible to have someone steal your great-grandmother's necklace. I'd be very upset too!

That's cool to have your Dad pick out such a special gift.

Happy Friday!
Nichole M said…
LOL! Weren't we all freaks in high school? Such an awkward time... My feast is up! Happy Friday! :D
Anonymous said…
Why do you say "was a freak" ? You still can be one I guess ! lol !

Good old time wasn't it ??
Anonymous said…
A very yummy feast - thanks for serving! Perfect Dessert

Happy FF from one freak to another,

Caylynn said…
Nice feast. :) Having your great grandmother's necklace stolen is certainly cause to be upset. How terrible.

I was a freak in high school, and still am. ;)

Have a good weekend. :)
Anonymous said…
Aw, love your salad!
Suni said…
aww loved your feast. sorry about your necklace! i know how irreplaceable things like that are...

Christine said…
Ooooh, you went to FSU, I went to Miami! Hurricanes all the way, baby! :)

I love that your dad got you the brush. That is special coming from a dad!

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