Christ-following, husband-loving, warrior-raising desert dweller. In our house, we love well, we bind the broken, and we speak for the voiceless.
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She's smart and funny, and she has started the newest carnival craze! Shalee is asking for all our cheap date ideas.
Tuesday is the day, so put on your thinking caps and staple your wallets, then head over the Shalee's Diner and share your ideas (Or steal someone else's, perhaps).
Appetizer Name something you think is “the best.” Fisher's Popcorn is the best snack food. Ever. Soup On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 highest), how stressed are you today? Today was a 9.8 all the way. Fortunately, I have a super-understanding husband who lets me vent and gives me time to get over myself. Yay Jon! Salad What kind of cleanser do you use to wash your face? Until one week ago, when my eyelids swelled up, it was ProActiv . Now I am using Neutrogena . Anyone want some Proactiv? I have two unopened cleansers, and one each of the toner and repairing lotion. Ugh... Main Course Tonight is a blue moon ! What is something that you believe only happens “once in a blue moon.” Once in a blue moon I can get one over on my husband. Maybe. He's pretty quick-witted. Dessert When was the last time it rained where you live? I don't remember, but it has been a couple months. This is the Mojave, after all. We are actually coming up on our "monsoon season" in ...
You are the very definition of perseverance, little guy. You have survived what no other blemish could. Through Neutrogena , Ten-O-Six , and Clinique; even Differin , Doxycycline , and Retin-A , you have fought the good fight. Now you are faced with a new enemy -- one which has felled all of your brothers. You are there, the lone pimple, keeping on. Sometimes, I think you are gone, starting to fade, but then-- there you are again! Strong as ever! Don't you think it is time to call it quits? I mean, really, the strain has got to be getting to you. In fact, I think you are looking a little dried out and tired around the edges. And with the arrival of the new white hand towels , your brief reprieve has ended. Tonight you will once again face the sulfur masque. It doesn't have to be this way-- the choice is yours. After the masque comes the glycolic acid, then, the piece de resitance -- the 5% benzoyl peroxide. That's right, I am playing hardball, just like Norah O...
Yesterday, John got me thinking about activism with his very well put essay on Christian rehtoric. J and I were discussing some things last night as far as our own perceptions/ experiences with activism. My brother-in-law commented in the ensuing discussion the we could perhaps extend this reasoning to WTO protesters and Americans who complain about illegal immigration. I see his train of thought, but I think there are a couple ways the issues differ... No matter how frustrating Illegal immigration may be, it is not directly a life and death issue. War is just that. The people who die of exposure in the deserts of Arizona and other border states are ultimately there by their own choice*, whereas many victims of war are not. Chrisitan pacifists are claiming higher moral ground for their beliefs, and they may well be right. I'll wager that, come judgement day, God will have a laundry list for each of us, and whether we voted for hawks will be the LEAST of my transgressions. ...