Spring Reading Challenge.

Katrina is hosting another reading challenge, and I am ready with my list:

When I Don't Desire God (John Piper)
I have been "meaning to" get to this one for quite some time.

Crimes Against Logic (Jamie Whyte)
Sitting on my bookshelf for way too long

Nineteen Minutes (Jodi Picoult)
Because I need one more thing to make me cry.

City of God (Augustine of Hippo)
Ashamed to say how long this one has sat on my shelf. (Through four moves)

The Twelve Caesars (Suetonius)
Two of my favorites: history and classics. What could be better.

The Aeneid (Virgil)
In English this time.

Der Steppenwolf (Herman Hesse)
I missed this one in school. We read Siddhartha instead.

As I Lay Dying (William Faulkner)
Love love love him.

The House of the Seven Gables (Hawthorne)
This is mostly because I never could stand his work when I was younger. I am going to try again, with fifteen years under my belt.

Ok, they are now out there for anyone to see.


Neil said…
I just heard a radio show talking about City of God. Let us know what you think of it!
Rachelle said…
Kelly, you are SO prolific today! So many great posts!

And your reading list is quite impressive, or should I say intimidating? That's a LOT of heaviness and depth. Don't burn yourself out!
Neil- I will share my thoughts, such as they are.

Rachelle- you are too kind. I did a bit of a brain dump today, in anticipation of my weekend.
I know my choices are a bit ambitious, but my reading has been such fluff lately, I owe it to m y brain to stretch a little.
Great list, Kelly, and yes, ambitious! I loved As I Lay Dying, but haven't read it in years. Good book. Enjoy your reading and thanks for joining the challenge!
TaunaLen said…
This is a great list! I think I'll add As I Lay Dying to my TBR pile. Enjoy the challenge!
Deena Peterson said…
Ok, Nineteen Minutes is getting added to my list. I've seen it on too many lists, and now I have book envy!!
Katie said…
I've seen the Jodi Picoult book on a few other's lists, I'll have to look for it here.
Nise' said…
I am smiling...in school we read Siddhartha. My mother was livid and I can't remember why! I am going to have to add Jodi Picoult to my list as so many have recommended her books! I recently discovered John Piper and he has fast become a favorite. Enjoy!
Susanne said…
These sound very, very good! Although I seem to remember seeing a movie called "House of the Seven Gables" when I was a kid and being scared spitless. I wonder if it's the same thing?

Happy Reading.
Anonymous said…
Great list! I definitely need to add The House of the Seven Gables to my Fall reading list. Looking forward to your reviews! Happy reading! =)
Anonymous said…
I just looked at When I Don't Desire God yesterday. Will wait for your review before I purchase. Seven Gables is one great read! Enjoy them all.
Alexis said…
Great books here. I'll have to check some out, esp the John Piper one. I'll be watching for reviews. Enjoy!!!

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