It was me.
I am Judas, betraying His trust for a pittance. How often have I shelved Him for the fleeting empty material pleasures of this world? I have no defense-- he was at least fulfilling prophesy. I have no excuse.
I am Peter, quick out of the gate and quick to deny Him. I have gone out half-cocked and ill-prepared; I have forgotten whose I am when the chips were down. There may not be a rooster, but my failure is obvious, nevertheless.
I am James and John, falling asleep on the job. How often have I missed Him, simply because I was too caught up in myself to watch?
I am Caiaphas, demanding God prove Himself to me, when I have no right to ask such.
I am Pilate, taking the easy way out.
I am the mob, losing sight of Him and allowing myself to be caught in the frenzy.
I am all these people, and yet He has freed me. I am worthless, yet made worthy; I am broken, yet made whole.
I am Peter, quick out of the gate and quick to deny Him. I have gone out half-cocked and ill-prepared; I have forgotten whose I am when the chips were down. There may not be a rooster, but my failure is obvious, nevertheless.
I am James and John, falling asleep on the job. How often have I missed Him, simply because I was too caught up in myself to watch?
I am Caiaphas, demanding God prove Himself to me, when I have no right to ask such.
I am Pilate, taking the easy way out.
I am the mob, losing sight of Him and allowing myself to be caught in the frenzy.
I am all these people, and yet He has freed me. I am worthless, yet made worthy; I am broken, yet made whole.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, grant us thy peace.