Still the Greatest!
A little over twenty years ago, I wrote an essay for a Father's Day contest. Our task was to finish the sentence "My dad is the greatest because..." My parents still have that essay -my careful fourth grade cursive on its Cabbage Patch Kids stationery. My guess is that it is in the stack of framed photos that need to be hung somewhere sometime (Does every home have a stack like that or is this a problem unique to Hutsons?)
I do not remember all the particulars, but I know that some mention was made of pancakes for breakfast. I recall that, when the essay was read to the congregation, there were a few chuckles-- I imagine that I would chuckle myself to read it now.
A lot has changed in those twenty years. Dad is no longer the "man in my life;" I cannot remember the last time I ate his pancakes for breakfast; it's been months since I even had breakfast with him! One thing has not changed- my dad is the greatest.
He is the greatest provider I could have hoped for- always sacrificing for the four of us. Many stories are told about the sailboat Dad could have gotten instead of kid sand the convertible which was not safe for little ones. I'd be willing to bet there were times he would have seriously considered a trade.
He is the greatest protector a kid could need. One of my most vivid Jr. High memories was my father marching in to the office at Belle Vue Middle School, pretty much taking no prisoners, when I was slugged on the school bus. I don't think I had ever seen Dad really angry until that point. (Needless to say, the young man in question did not see the school bus for the remainder of the year.)
He is the greatest at letting go. We three brats have not been an easy lot (See that picture? Daddy had hair until 1976!), but my father has learned to trust God to look after us when we are too stupid to do it ourselves. I am not a parent, so this concept is completely foreign to me. I have a hard enough time surrendering myself to God.
I have learned so much from my father- from how to make a perfect roux to changing a tire, yet the most important lesson he ever taught was simply to watch and listen. One of the most perceptive people I know is my dad, and it is because he watches and listens.
Our earthly relationships are supposed to give us a tiny sliver of what God has in store for our Eternity, and I am thankful to have a glimpse of Father's love through my dad.
That is just beautiful. It's obvious that your Dad is a blessing to his children and that you are a blessing to him.
:-) Susan
I always really liked your dad. He's a cool guy.
Kelly (in Charm City)