Feast one hundred fifty-one

I am back in the saddle this week. Beginning with a Feast, and another few posts browning in the oven...

What is your favorite fruit?

I love love love fruit. I would rather have fruit that chocolate! Blueberries are a long time favorite.

Mom tells a story about going to a pick-your-own blueberry farm with me when I was around 18 months old. She parked at the end of a row and put me in the back of the car with the tailgate open, giving me some toys to pass the time. When she went back to check on me, I was out of the car, sitting beneath a bush, and shoving ripe blueberries into my mouth as fast as I could pick them.

Who is someone you consider as a great role model?

Just one? I'd have to go with my dad. He has overcome such adversity in his life, and never cried, "Poor me." Dad just takes what's handed to him and keeps plugging away.

If you were to spend one night anywhere within an hour of your home, where would you choose?

Wow, I have a lot of choices or very few. That is, there are some of the world's nicest hotels right here in Vegas, but nothing out of town within an hour's drive, per se. I think I would stay at the Ritz-Carlton out at Las Las Vegas resort.

Main Course
Name something you do too often.


Fill in the blank: I really like ___________ because ____________.

I really like winter because we eat lots of soup.

Come dine with us here.


Ingrid said…
Las Vegas would suit me too, lol ! It's nearly 10 years I haven't been there and I guess we stayed in the Flamengo ! and I hate winter because we have also a cold summer and I am not a big soup eater either !
Kara said…
Great feast! Thanks for visiting mine :D
Anonymous said…
I love winter too!! Great feast answers.
Anonymous said…
I loved your feast!! Can relate to most and loved your appetizer story!
Barb said…
The blueberry story was great :)
Eleisia said…
Thanks for serving such an interesting feast!

I like the word "fret." Don't we all.

Nice words about your Dad. I chose my Mom.
liked your feast. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.
It's winter right now Down Under and we've been enjoying lots of vegetable soups :) (nice and healthy)
My speciality this winter has been our own type of Minestrone soup - we just use what we have but it still tastes like a great winter warmer!

It's also good that you prefer fruit to chocolate! Sometimes it's just easier to go with the latter :$

Thanks for dropping into my feast and sharing yours. I hope you're having a great weekend :)
Alice said…
Sorry I visited you late BUT better late than never! Wonderful feast... :D

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