You are the very definition of perseverance, little guy. You have survived what no other blemish could. Through Neutrogena , Ten-O-Six , and Clinique; even Differin , Doxycycline , and Retin-A , you have fought the good fight. Now you are faced with a new enemy -- one which has felled all of your brothers. You are there, the lone pimple, keeping on. Sometimes, I think you are gone, starting to fade, but then-- there you are again! Strong as ever! Don't you think it is time to call it quits? I mean, really, the strain has got to be getting to you. In fact, I think you are looking a little dried out and tired around the edges. And with the arrival of the new white hand towels , your brief reprieve has ended. Tonight you will once again face the sulfur masque. It doesn't have to be this way-- the choice is yours. After the masque comes the glycolic acid, then, the piece de resitance -- the 5% benzoyl peroxide. That's right, I am playing hardball, just like Norah O...
Because while an 11-year-old girl having sex is certainly not something I'm in favor of, an 11-year-old girl who's pregnant is worse.
But it's all bad.
Glad to see you back in the land of blogging.