Brain Dump

1) Played Bunco last might with some dear girlfriends from church. Note: dried apricots stuffed with almonds are yummy. Note also: sometimes food can look unintentionally naughty. I brought the snacks in question to the Rock Star for his inspection-- he just shook his head.
2) I was not built for this heat. I have been listless, my gut is all upset, and I am praying for a break. The break should be here this weekend, just in time for...
3) Jon scored us a couple tickets to see Jane's Addiction Saturday night at Red Rock. Concert is outside at the pool. I am hoping this means we can at least stick our feet in the water. My favorite kind of show-- FREE!
4) Before said concert, we are going to grab a bite with a couple of Zappos peeps. I am looking forward to that as much as, if not more than, the concert. Frank and Fina's has some darned good guacamole.
5) Two movies in the last week: Get Smart, which made me laugh so hard that I truly thought I might wet my pants, and Hancock, which I enjoyed just as much, albeit more quietly.
6) Is this for real? Seventy million dollar suit? Speechless.
7) Tomorrow is doctor day for the Sin City Wolskes. I believe that my darling husband has not had a physical since he was a young teenager. It may have even been his INS physical, but I am not sure. I, on the other hand, have not been so remiss in my preventative care. However, I have not been had a GP in several years either. I figure it will not hurt me to become established with someone for that very rare occasion that I am sick.
8) I will start at Zappos on the 28th of this month. Beyond excited! A little unsure as to how well I shall fit into their corporate culture. Not sure I am quite weird enough or in the right way.
9) During this transition time, I am attempting to get things at home more organized. The heat is working against me. So is the internet. I think I might sue...
10) Vacation was everything I could have hoped for. The nephews are all growing and changing so fast. Only saw four out of eight nieces and nephews, but there is always next year. I need to get Jon's film sent off. I think we still have some from last year to be developed yet...
11) My husband says he could live on the Outer Banks. He knows not what he does... (insert maniacal laughter here) I will be in Vegas as long as my Gram is living in Yuma, but I don't know what will happen after that.
12) I think the words, "Aunt Kelly? I love you," are the sweetest sound in God's creation.
13) I think Phil Gramm may be right that we are "a nation of whiners." I certainly engage in more than my fair share. (See#2 above) I don't know that the economic slowdown is entirely "mental," though. {sigh} Is it January yet?