Friday Feast No. 132
Where on your body do you have a scar, and what caused it?
I have several, but the worst is on my left knee. When I was thirteen or so, I thought it would be fun to skate down the hill. It was about a 7% grade. Ok, maybe it wasn't quite THAT steep, but it was steep. So, I fell and ruined my favorite paisley jeans (it was the late 80's, okay?) and was picking asphalt out of my leg for hours. It is a reminder of one of my less though-out adventures.
What is something that has happened to you that you would consider a miracle?
Rolled my car when I was nineteen and had only a small bruise on my ankle. And some shock. But the car was upside down and ten feet away from being wrapped around a tree.
Name a television personality who really gets on your nerves.
Kate Couric, Joy Behar, anyone who uses the non-word "irregardless" or "that" instead of "who"
Main Course
What was a funny word you said as a child (such as "pasketti" for "spaghetti")?
I called my Uncle Jim "Unca Yimmy"
Fill in the blank: I have always thought ______ was ______.
I have always thought chocolate was overrated. My husband gasped when he read that last one.
Ok, I played and so can you. Head on over to dine with us.
Mine is up too.
Mine's served.
My feast is served.
Have a wonderful day!
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