Feast one hundred forty-five

Name a sound you like to hear.

My Jonathan playing his guitar and singing from the front room. I love to go to sleep to that sound.
What is your favorite kind of cheese?

Hard to choose. These days I am all about lovely tangy goat cheese.
Do you sleep late on Saturday mornings? Why or why not?

Nope. I try to lead a well-ordered life. I can get so much done in the morning. I am usually up at 5:30 or 6:00 at the latest. I like to have all the grocery shopping done by 9:30.
Main Course
When was the last time you forgot something? What was it, and how long did it take to remember it?

I totally forgot my wallet this morning and didn't discover it until I wanted to get a sandwich for Jon's lunch. Oops!
Fill in the blank: I notice ____________ when _____________.

I notice scents when I have a headache. I think my sense of smell must be just this side of mutant, I tell you!

You too can dine here.


Kara said…
Wow, you get up early! I have a hard time getting up at 7 with my boys lol. Good feast!
Anonymous said…
A person after my own heart--get stuff done early :) Great feast.
Ingrid said…
I always forget my glasses somewhere and then have to look for my spare glasses to find my actual glasses. Sounds complicated but isn't !
Melody said…
Hi Kelly! Great feast. I too get up early for week on the weekdays, but I'll try to sleep as late as possible on the weekends as a payback! LOL. Happy feasting.
Wonderful feast.
Mine is up too.
JHS said…
Hi Kelly:

I can honestly say I have never eaten goat cheese!

My feast is served!
Anonymous said…
I can honestly say that I won't eat goat cheese!!! Interesting feast. I enjoyed it

Please come over and share in my Rain, Cheese and Forgetfulness FEAST!!!
Have a great weekend!
Annie said…
What a great feast!

My Life as Annie!
Hootin Anni said…
Oh wow....guitar music to lull you to sleep! What a perfect life.

My feast is served
What a great feast! I love guitar music. Have a wonderful weekend.

Angel Mama ():)
Kim said…
Great feast today. The guitar and singing would be a wonderful sound to hear while falling asleep. I too get headaches with certain smells.

My feast is up...come on over!
Anonymous said…
I did my first feast today. :)
Lori said…
I'll have to try that soup...thats a new one to me:)
Susan said…
Great feast! I love to hear my dh play his guitar, too! (or one of my other guys) It's funny cause as I am typing this, I have a horrible headache and DH is cooking something that is heavily spiced. I keep coughing...and my eyes are watering. AGH!!

:-) Susan

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