In Other Words...

"Until you settle the issue of your own worth, it's impossible to bring holiness into anyone else's life. Until you understand that your worth is already determined by the fact of your birth, everything else is an exercise in propping up a dying tree."
~ Carol Brazo ~
"No Ordinary Home"
Worth is something other than value. I am valued by my husband as a wife, by my church as a servant, by my boss as an employee. My value is determined by those around me. I would venture to say that I am more valuable to my husband as a wife than I am to API as an employee. Value is determined by those around me. But what am I worth?
MY worth exists independently of what I do. Worth is about who I am. More importantly, worth is about who I am becoming through Christ. Because, truly? I am worthless; I am the product of a fallen creation, a dirty sinner who is helpless; I am the opposite of worthy.
The issue of my own worth is this: I am unworthy. I am unworthy and there is nothing I can DO about it. So how could I ever expect to bring any measure of holiness to anyone's life? We don't wash windows with dirty cloths, do we?
The only way I can even hope for worth is through Christ; any measure of holiness in me is Him. That's the heart of the matter. The question of my worth is settled, my worth is only in Him. To bring holiness to anyone else's life is to show them what He has done in my life, what He continues to do every day in my life, what He will do in all His children's lives.
Christine is our gracious hostess this week. Thank you, Christine
In his endless love,
Angel ( Angel Mama Pearls of Wisdom)
I loved your comparison of value vs. worth. This was a great post!