In the interest of accountability...
My cholesterol is, to quote Dr. Mike, "a bit elevated." 209 total, and the LDL:HDL is "not where we like to see things either." Yeah. I am really not surprised, what with my diet and exercise habits this past month. So back to minding my P's and Q's which I have not done since before vacation. Recheck in 6 months and all that jazz. The win: not passing out when the drew my blood. Don't laugh; it has happened before.
In happier news, I will begin my new job with a squeaky-clean gut! I will visit the endoscopy center next Thursday. My husband is taking a rather unkind delight in this. Of course, we don't yet know his results...
In happier news, I will begin my new job with a squeaky-clean gut! I will visit the endoscopy center next Thursday. My husband is taking a rather unkind delight in this. Of course, we don't yet know his results...
Good luck with the cholesterol. I (like your husband) have not been to the doctor in ages, and I don't like to think about where mine is.